Multi-Family Energy Conservation Loan Program (MEL)
Commercial Loan Programs
Multi-Family Energy Conservation Loan Program (MEL)
Thank you for considering applying for the Multi-Family Energy Conservation Loan (MEL) program. Please read further to see if you qualify and for the “how to apply” link.
The Multifamily Energy Conservation Loan Program (MEL) provides financing at below market rates to multi-family residential property owners for the purchase and installation of cost-saving energy conservation improvements in buildings with five (5) or more housing units. The program is administered by the Connecticut Housing Investment Fund, Inc. (CHIF) with funding from the Connecticut Department of Housing (DOH).
Loan Amount and Terms
Multi-family (5+ units) property owners may borrow up to $3,500 per unit (a maximum of $100,000 per building) for a period of 10 years for eligible improvements. The interest rate of 3% or 6% is based upon the income of the tenants living at the property. A special 0% interest rate is available for higher-efficiency boilers and furnaces.
Click here for a MEL Eligibility Fact Sheet
Eligible Improvements
The following are some of the improvements eligible under the MEL program:
- Automatic Set-Back thermostats
- Caulking and Weatherstripping
- Insulation
- Replacement Central Air Conditioning Systems
- Replacement Heating Systems (0% interest available for high-efficiency systems)
- Replacement Hot Water Heaters
- Secondary Heating Systems (non-electric)
- Heat Pumps
- Replacement Roofs
- Replacement Windows and Doors
- Siding
- Solar Systems and Passive Solar Additions
- Geothermal Systems
Participating Contractors
CHIF Participating Contractor List
Apply for a Loan
Please download the MEL application here. To learn more, click on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below or E-mail your questions to .