Loan Servicing

Loan Servicing

The Connecticut Housing Investment Fund, Inc. operates a loan servicing business, and specializes in servicing affordable housing and community development loans. CHIF’s clients are state, federal, and private mortgage lenders with housing, community development, and economic development loan portfolios.

CHIF delivers superior customer service to borrowers and mortgagees.

CHIF consistently receives the highest rating from FHA for its loan servicing, and is rated as Tier 1. Click here for more information.

Features of the CHIF loan servicing services are:

  • State-of-the-art servicing system
  • Custom reports to investors
  • Daily maintenance of the system to ensure consistency in loan data and reporting
  • Paper reduction through optional e-mail reporting
  • Real time responses to borrower inquiries
  • Experienced staff sensitive to the special needs of low-income borrowers
  • Ability to wire payments directly to investors
  • Automatic payment drafting to ensure timely payments
  • Overnight account sweeps into safe investments for maximum return to investors

For more information about CHIF’s Loan Servicing Services, E-mail: .

Client Testimonials